Thursday, October 30, 2003

Happy Meter
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So, what the hell's up with fog in these scary movies? Most of the time the fog is creepier than Jason or Freddy Krueger, and i don't like it. I'm in a good mood right now, but when i walk back to brody, i'm gonna pee my pants. Yeah, i said it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Happy Meter
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How can i not be happy? The NBA kicked off today (actually yesterday, but most games were today). But the Pistons did lose. It was kinda bittersweet. Carlisle is with Indiana now, so I was pulling for him and Detroit at the same time. It's alright, there's still 81 games left.

Class today was nothing special. Chem lab lasted only an hour, so that was pretty nice. I just went back to brody, had lunch (actually saw chris there, so i just ate with him), and then relaxed for a bit in the room. I went over to holden and had dinner with josh, then watched some of the pistons before getting back to bailey. Tomorrow's gonna be my homework day, unfortunately. I only have atl tomorrow, so i have the rest of the day free- i actually have a few errands to run, so i'll take care of those early on. Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Happy Meter
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My math test just raped me, violently. Actually, it wasn't too bad, but it could've been better. The weekend was uneventful. Josh spent the nite saturday cuz there were like 10 guys in their room. We just ended up watchin fight club, and fell asleep around 1. Sunday was a football day, and i did a little math and atl homework. Monday was boring, i ate lunch with the guys, came back home and just worked on ATL more. The monday nite game was boring like no other, so i ended up watching reno. I need to go eat or something.