Wednesday, December 24, 2003

whoa, it's been a lil more than a week since i put anythin in here. nothin has happened though, really.

i ended up gettin a 3.4 (ok fine, it's a 3.39, can't i round up?) for the semester. The 4.0 in my amer. lit class totally came out of nowhere, i was expecting a 3.0 or 3.5 at the most.

i did some more shopping today, just for mom and dad. hopefully they don't return this stuff, but if the past is an indicator, they will. i hate that.

last nite me and josh saw return of the king, which we both agreed was perhaps one of the greatest movies/series in the history of film. yes, that good. i might go with nicki tomorrow nite and see it again.

Christmas is only one day away, and there isn't any snow on the ground. i hate michigan. the stupid weatherman on fox said there would be 5 1/2 inches by tomorrow, but the system that was supposed to do all of this passed us by and only gave us rain. ridiculous. and now we might be getting "snow showers." you know what the symbol for "snow showers" is on weather channel? It's a friggin sun, cloud, and rain that is supposed to be looked at as snow! I HATE IT! why can't we have just one white christmas? NOOOOOO, the snow has to wait til january 14, when it just dumps everything on us. psh, just stupid.